Mathias Haeussler

Mathias Haeussler

Mathias Haeussler is currently Lumley Research Fellow at Magdalene College (University of Cambridge), having recently submitted his PhD on ‘Helmut Schmidt and Anglo-German relations, 1974-82’ at Cambridge as well.

He holds an MPhil in Modern European History (Distinction) from the University of Cambridge, and a BA in History and Politics (First Class) from Queen Mary University of London.

Mathias is particularly interested in the interrelations of the Cold War and European integration, as well as in Europe’s changing role in the transatlantic alliance during the course of the Cold War. He is currently getting started on his postdoctoral project, tentatively titled ‘John F. Kennedy’s “Atlantic Community” – the history of an idea in Cold War Europe’.

List of publications

  • M. Haeussler, ‘A “Cold War European”? Helmut Schmidt and European integration, c.1945-1982’, Cold War History 15/4 (2015), 427-47.

  • M. Haeussler, ‘A pyrrhic victory: Harold Wilson, Helmut Schmidt, and the British renegotiation of EC membership, 1974-5’, The International History Review 37/4 (2015), 768-89.

  • M. Haeussler, ‘The Popular Press and Ideas of Europe: The Daily Mirror, the Daily Express, and Britain’s First Application to Join the EEC, 1961-3’, Twentieth Century British History 25/1 (March 2014), 108-31.