Jessica Dubow

Jessica Dubow

From South Africa, Jessica Dubow obtained her honours degree in Art History and Aesthetic Theory from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and her PhD in Cultural Geography from Royal Holloway College, University of London.

Before joining the University of Sheffield in 2005, she held a three-year postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the School of Geography, University of Nottingham.

Current research

With a background in art history and aesthetic theory and principal interests in philosophy and critical theory, I am committed to working outside of discrete academic boundaries and see cultural geography as a field in which a truly creative interdisciplinary scholarship might best be achieved.

My current research project (‘Thinking Outside the City Walls: Geography, Philosophy and the Jewish Body’) is concerned with the philosophy and aesthetics of spatial perception as it relates to critical discourses of territoriality, ‘nomadology’ and the problem of the exilic body.

Research interests

  • Critical Theory (with specific focus on Walter Benjamin and Theodor Adorno)

  • Continental Philosophy (with specific focus on Merleau-Ponty, Levinas, Phenomenology and Ethics)

  • Cultural Geographies

  • Aesthetic Theory/Visual Practice

  • Colonial and Post-colonial Studies (with specific reference to both colonial and post-apartheid South Africa)


  • Dubow, J. (2013) ‘Archive of Exile, Introduction’, Parallax 19:4, pp.1-5.

  • Dubow, J. (2013) ‘Impatience and Other Maps: On the Desert and the City’, Parallax 19:4, pp. 49-62.

  • Dubow, J and Steadman-Jones, R (2013) ‘Sebald’s Parrot: Speaking the Archive’, Comparative Literature, 65:1, pp. 123-136.

  • Dubow, J and Steadman-Jones, R (2013) ‘Linguistic Cosmopolitans: Arendt, Čapek, Orwell’, Journal of European Studies, 43:2, pp. 141-153.

  • Dubow, J. ‘A Therapeutics of Exile: Isaiah Berlin, Liberal Pluralism and the Psyche of Assimilation’(2012) Environment and Planning A, 44:10, pp.2463-2476

  • Dubow, J. (2011). Still-Life, After-Life: W.G. Sebald and the Demands of Landscape. In: Daniels, S., DeLyser, D. Entrikin, J.N. and Richardson, D. (eds.) Envisioning Landscapes, Making Worlds: Geography and the Humanities, Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-0415589772